2022 is the most suitable time to engage in e-commerce and promote your own brand online. According to Forbes, global e-commerce revenue in 2022 is expected to reach $ 4.2 trillion. After two years of adjusting to the new circumstances, customers have learned to indulge with passion in online search, easy price comparison and of course in shopping at the touch of a button.


In 2019 with the spread of the pandemic, most e-shops were created as an "emergency solution" and not as a basic functional business area with a defined business plan. In 2022 everything has changed. E-shops have become a necessity and e-commerce is growing rapidly. However, the constant appearance of new products has sharply increased the competition and now it has been proven that the key to differentiate your brand from competitors is the well-thought packaging and the complete unboxing experience.


What is the unboxing experience


Go back a few years, when you were a small child eagerly waiting for Christmas to see under the tree the wrapped colorful packages, which were holding the little precious treasures inside. Remember how you admired them from afar, how expectantly you waited to take them in your hands and how much you longed to unroll the ribbons or tear the wrapper.


This is an unboxing experience. It is the anticipation, the longing, the emotion that precedes the opening of a package. The content or the value are not so important. What matters is the emotions that are evoked. If you manage to evoke emotion and excitement through your packaging, you have taken the first big step to stand out.


3 ways to create unforgettable unboxing experiences for your brand


Branded packaging, i.e. packaging that has been made especially for your brand, is the first and most important point of contact with your customer. Online shopping does not end the moment you put your products in the package. Instead, its successful course begins after that, and more specifically as soon as the customers get the package in their hands.


Creating a unique unboxing experience is an extremely effective way to maintain the interest of your new customers and achieve consistently upward sales. Premium packages improve your brand image, create a sense of trust and give value to your customers.


1. Make your packaging talk about your brand.

Smart packaging is not enough to be functional or just beautiful. It should reflect the values of your company and products. The choice of materials, the sense of touch when you first hold it, a sweet message that your customer will read on the package, should all be aimed at an emotion, but above all to arouse admiration - the strongest of the emotions, which is indelibly imprinted in the memory of consumers.


2. Design environmentally friendly packaging.

The best way to impress your customers is not just through designing a glamorous package. It is through the careful study of each step that the customer will follow until he/she reaches the final product. The less is more trend is adopted by all major brands worldwide, which in addition to raising consumer awareness, aims to reflect brands’ philosophy. Design custom packaging, choose eco-friendly materials, print out the message you would like the recipient to read, and you will have made the first good impression. 


3. Make your customer the protagonist.

Packaging is the first point of contact with your customers. Through it you will be introduced, the customers will meet you and somehow you will connect. But if you want the connection with them to be deeper, more substantial, but above all to have interaction, put them in the spotlight and make them the protagonist. The uniqueness of your packaging - and consequently of your brand - will stand out when the customers themselves talk about it. Customer reviews are more influential and serve as the ultimate advertising tool. So, invite your customers to record the opening of the package, to present it, to talk about it and to create an unboxing experience, which concerns exclusively your company.

Good packaging will be a great marketing tool. Well-thought packaging will consolidate a company's reputation. Packaging that takes into account all of the above will bring loyal customers, greater recognition and higher revenue.

At PackitUp every customer and every project are unique.

Contact us to design the most successful packaging that will make your company stand out!