This isn't the first time you've come across the term “storytelling”. Surely, you've heard it, possibly even used it, when it comes to planning advertising activities to promote your business. But perhaps this is the first time you've encountered the term in conjunction with packaging.

What is Storytelling Packaging and why is it a valuable tool in the hands of every business?

By Storytelling Packaging we mean the story you choose to share with your customers through your packaging. To achieve this you can use text, choose designs and symbols, take advantage of an inexhaustible color palette, and even favor certain packaging materials over others. Choosing these elements wisely for your packaging is an indirect or direct way to tell your own story.

In any case, implementing storytelling packaging adds a number of factors to your palette of options that encourage you to differentiate yourself from the competition, highlight your business values and offer your customers a unique experience by adding extra value to your products.

Next, we'll look at 3 examples of storytelling packaging that transform your packaging from an inanimate object that ends up in the bin to a living organism that has something important to "say".

1. Symbols & Designs that reveal your brand identity

Craft and Boogie has chosen to transform its packaging into a colorful canvas of symbols and designs that most creatively describe what it does: creating holiday craft kits and activities for families. No loud verbal messages or meaningful statements are needed, just a series of colorful symbols to convey the company's vision of turning creative family moments into special memories of a lifetime.

2. A verbal message with many meanings

There are quite a few times when companies choose to add a short message with many meanings to their packaging. Bardo Okland, through a succinct and clear message, succeeds in both communicating its vision and motivating its customers to enjoy beautiful moments using its product. The message, of course, is combined with beautifully designed packaging, with colors and symbols that motivate you to "celebrate". When you hold the packaging in your hands, you realize that it is an "open invitation" to a party. Its success lies in the fact that the packaging is in a conceptual sequence with the company's product and with the reason you choose it, which is none other than to celebrate a special occasion.

3. Show me your material and I'll tell you who you are

Choosing packaging material is often an indirect way to highlight your company's core values. If you're a company that cares about your ecological footprint, opt for "green" packaging that is made without harming the environment and can be recycled and reused. LEE not only used eco-friendly materials for its packaging, but also highlighted additional ways that its customers can use it. With the central message "LEE Never Wasted" the packaging can be reused either for play or for more practical purposes such as turning it into a pencil case, a bookmark etc.