They are more durable, they last for years, and my customers are happy. So why should I choose paper bags and forgo the plastic ones that I and my customers are used to? In this article, we will help you discover some very important reasons that will motivate you to choose paper bags for your business. 

Packaging is an integral part of your corporate identity and is an excellent opportunity to showcase your business values and principles easily, creatively and, most importantly, cost-efficiently. There are some basic rules in creating packaging that make a difference, you can remember them here, as well as some secrets in choosing the right packaging that may boost the profitability of your business

It doesn't really matter whether you run an online store, offline store or both, packaging has the power to enhance your business's reputation or weaken it. So in choosing packaging for your business, there will come a time when you will be asked to decide whether to continue using plastic bags or be part of the change through paper bags and packaging that protect the environment and reflect the eco-consciousness of your business. 


1. I am not a luxury brand. I can still use plastic bags. 

In the past, paper bags were indeed associated with luxury brands that wanted to offer the privilege of exclusivity and luxury to their customers. It's that paper feel that makes the product look better, unique and of higher quality. Customers feel that they have bought a premium product that comes with a carefully selected packaging and your business cultivates this narrative through its packaging. Wouldn't you want that for your business? 


2.  My customers don't pay any attention to packaging. 

The above statement is too often an easy excuse simply to avoid going through the change process. Your customers do indeed evaluate your packaging and may reject or support you based on the material you have chosen for product packaging. In a recent IPSOS survey, 79% of respondents said they felt more comfortable holding paper packaging while 93% identified paper as the preferred material for packaging. So it's time to look at your customers with a fresher perspective. 


3. Does it matter so much in the end if my packaging is environmentally friendly?  

And yet... it does. Customers are becoming more aware of environmental issues and are demanding that the brands they support declare their eco-consciousness in every way possible. Research confirms this shift in thinking among customers who prefer environmentally friendly packaging (source: Nosto) and consider it important that products come in recyclable packaging (source: Global Buying Green Report). Finally, note that customers are stating their desire to spend more on eco-conscious brands (source: Nielsen). 


4. Yes, but what are my choices in paper bags? 

“Several” is the answer. The change in customer attitudes towards paper packaging has also positively influenced the evolution of paper bags as you can now choose the one that suits you best from a wide range of options available. Whether you are a business operating in the food-service industry or a fashion brand, you will find paper food bags, luxury bags, bags with handles, bags with colourful or thermo print printing as well as top line bags for luxury and elegance. Also keep in mind that on paper bags printing is very often easier and more cost-effective. 


We are well aware that choosing the right packaging is not an easy process. For this reason, the people at Packit Up are there to show you the options available and help you design your bags just the way you want them. Find the range that best suits your needs and steal the show - with your paper bags!